Worship on the Lord’s Day

We have Sunday School and Bible Studies on Sundays at 10:00AM and then We worship corporately every Lord’s Day (Sunday) at 11:00 am. Our services end around 12:15 and typically proceed as follows:

> Welcome/Announcements
> Call to Worship From Scripture
> Prayer
> Congregational Singing
> Dismissal of Young Children*
> Old Testament Reading
> Pastoral Intercessory Prayer
> Congregational Singing
> Responsive Scripture Reading
> Prayer for Illumination
> Sermon
> Hymn of Response
> The Lord’s Supper**
> Benediction from Scripture

*All children are encouraged to join for the entire service. Child care is available for younger children in addition to a Mother/Child care room. 

**We observe the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of each month. Baptisms are performed as required following Sunday services at a local body of water.

An offering box is available in the foyer on Sunday mornings. We can also accept your tithes and offerings by Interac E-Transfer.