
It is a privilege to contribute financially to the work that God is doing and a joy that we get to participate in for God’s glory. 

You may use the box in the foyer for your tithes and offerings on Sunday mornings or send it by Interac e-transfer anytime.  Tax receipts will be provided in January of each year.

To use Interac e-Transfer:

(1) Log into your online or mobile banking app and select the account.
(2) Find ‘Send Interac e-Transfer’ in the ‘Send Money’ or ‘Transfers’ section of your bank’s online menu.
(3) Choose or add our e-transfer email address (in the image below).
(4) Enter the amount.
(5) For “Secret Question” Please make the Answer “Genesis”.
(6) Hit SEND.

If you require a tax receipt, please enter your full postal address in the message box. If you have questions or run into problems, please contact the Treasurer.